Friday, July 27, 2007

More Awake and Dogmas

Now we have worked our way through the first season of Heroes. We can say good bye to mornings when our eyes don't seem to open at all and days when we are too tired to function. It is a good thing there are only 23 episodes for every season of a TV serie.

I am into saying my opinions like they were a dogma to live according to - for everyone. In other words; I am always right and I always know better, and it's my taste that is the best.

A friend of mine reminded me of telling everyone some time ago, loud and underlined, that I would never wear a dress and jeans at the same time, because I thought it looked plain stupid. When she told me this, I did happily wear that out-fit. So, if I say something, I do mean it - BUT, I change my mind all the time.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

In the Nature

We went to Nuuksio area today with the kid and my parents. V truely enjoyed himself in the forest; he picked up blueberries - again - and followed after my mother who was looking for mushrooms. She did find some and we had a lovely mushroom dish for a dinner today. And, we baked blueberry muffins too - me who is not into baking at all. But what can I do? The kid loves baking. And M loves muffins.

Here in this picture my father and the kid are looking at a lake in the Nuuksio area.

We have started to watch Heroes with M. We are hooked. Once I am done with this note, we'll watch another episode.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A Role to Play

Today I went to Suomenlinna fortress island with the boy. It is a very popular place to visit and among all tourists there were lots of Japanese as well. I wore a tanktop and my kanji-tattoo was very visible. I wonder how many Japanese descreetly were as they didn't notice it - I would find it hilarious if someone outside Finland would carry a Finnish text on their shoulder, telling about the facts of their stay in my country. Oh well, I don't mind being a clown as long as I've chosen the role myself.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Oulu and Raahe

We were away from home, up in the north for a week. My brother lives in Oulu and that's where we were. He was an overwhelmingly good host: lovely dinners, lovely wine and good company.

Here's a picture of a playground visit in Oulu. I remember these wooden rocking boats from my childhood (I spent my early childhood in Oulu) - hadn't seen them since god-knows-when. Vimme said that it's his cradle and stayed on the boat in this position for a while.

Here is a picture of the town where I spent my youth and school days, Raahe. I used to think it's the worst rat hole on this planet, when I left it and headed for elsewhere, for my fresh new adult life. Now the town looked very nice and peaceful. I wouldn't mind going there every now and then. If my financial situation was a bit better, I might get myself a summerhouse up there - there's nothing like feeding myself alive to mosquitoes.

Now were are back home. I am working on a mountain of laundry.

Sunday, July 01, 2007

On the Road

Today we went to a forest next my my mother-in-law's house and let the kid pick up blueberries. When we lived in Tokyo we picked up our blueberries in a shop's freezer, here in Finland we can pick them up anywhere we find them, as long as the spot isn't on anybody's back, or front, yard. It's lovely.

M started his 2 week's holiday on tuesday. On wednesday my parents came home from Zambia, where they spent six weeks working as volunteers. We prepared them a Finnish summer meal (fish and potatoes) and they seemed to be very happy about it.

We borrowed my parents car (an old loud Saab from 1970's) and drove to stay with my mother-in-law. I had never been to her house in summertime, so I hadn't seen her lovely garden before. Unfortunately it rained most of the time, so we didn't have a chance to spend time doing things one shoud do in lovely gardens, like reading good books by blooming peonies.

On saturday we drove to our friends garden party in Hämeenlinna. They had invited people from a gang that existed about 20 years ago. I saw many faces I hadn't seen since then. Someone asked me afterwards, who I thought was most touched by the time between, concidering the looks, and I had to say; it's the face I see in the mirror. People looked good.

Tomorrow we hit the road again and head for the northern Finland.