Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Rubber Boots

In western Sweden life can become quite uncomfortable if you own a dog and don't have a pair of proper rubber boots. It rains a lot in here. Fortunately we both bought a pair of Nokia's rubber boots before we moved to Sweden. That was six years ago. They are still like new, though we've both used them regulary. I am going to drag them with me to Japan too - I'm sure they become handy when the first Tsunami hits our spot. (Nokia boots have super powers.)

We in this case is me and Markus, the man I live with.


fairyhedgehog said...

I must have some Nokia boots! I could really do with superpowers!

Do you get to choose what superpowers you have, or do you just get whatever superpowers come as standard?

Btw, when do you move to Japan? That's a big move.

Liisa said...

Ooooh, forgot to add that they have SECRET super powers. So revealing what they are is 'no-no'. ;-)

We'll move to Japan before xmas. It IS a big move. It's both scary and fantastic at the same time. I'll report how it is once we live there.