Saturday, September 13, 2008


Last spring I decided to plant tomatoes and see if they will grow at all. I am not known for my gardening skills, so I didn't expect much. Tomatoes started to grow and they created a green jungle on my balcony. None of the plants made a single tomato - until now, right before the weather is turning so cold that tomatoes will die, I found two little green tomatoes in the middle of the wild green jungle type of material. I doubt that they have time to turn red and become edible before minus degrees (Celcius) arrive. All the same, I am a happy balcony gardener.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


I wonder if there is still someone checking out if I ever write anything on my blog. I wouldn't blame anyone for not doing that. I have neglected my blog.

Things are fine - if you wondered. I am working at a museum and I love the job. Every early morning I am glad that I can go to work, and I am not natural born morning person at all. This all new to me. Until now I have basically done jobs I have disliked and going to work has been an on going pain - especially in the morning. Not anymore.

M was in Japan and returned home couple of weeks ago. He liked the trip and he said being there was like he hadn't been away from there at all. I think I would feel the same, if I went to Japan - and I will. Some day. The kid is still upset because he wasn't allowed to follow M to Japan. The kid is obsessed with Japan. But who wouldn't be.