Wednesday, January 25, 2006

A Meme

I got tagged by Sunny. Here I'm doing shamelessly the same by this meme.

Four Things

Four jobs I've had:

* Bottle filler at a brewery
* Translator
* Avocado picker
* Cheese seller

Four movies I can watch over and over:

* Star Wars Episodes 4-6
* Casablanca
* Lord of the Ring trilogy
* Some Like It Hot... ok, 8 movies

Four places I have lived:

* Raahe, Finland
* Helsinki, Finland
* Gotheburg, Sweden
* Tokyo, Japan

Four television shows I love to watch:

* Firefly
* Desperate Housewifes
* X-files
* Star Trek - all variations of it

Four places I have been on vacation:

* Athens, Greece
* Here and there in South Africa
* Coast to coast in US of A
* Dublin, Ireland

Four of my favourite dishes:

* Sushi
* Veggie Thai
* Veggie Indian
* Pasta

Four websites I visit daily:

* Tenki
* Bloglines
* Helsingin Sanomat
* Flickr

Four places I would rather be right now:

* In my solitude
* Helsinki
* In a bar, tipsy
* Somewhere warm

Four bloggers I am tagging:

* Elspeth
* Jo-in-Japan
* Timorous Beastie
* Mikki


Anonymous said...

Where did you pick avacados?

Liisa said...

That was in Israel. I worked for a kibbutz late 80's.