Friday, June 17, 2005

Work Clothes

I have decided to buy few pairs of japanese work man's trousers before I move back to Europe (I am not going to wear them here in Japan). Then I will get myself few pairs of work shoes too - those with separate big toe. I have wondered where one can buy them. Today I found a brand new work man clothing shop close to us. I went there to see what they have. Well, they had everything - even pink work man's trousers.

I had the kid with me (he started immediately to re-arrange rubber boot shelves), so I couldn't really go deep into checking what else they had. I bought socks and when I payed for them the guy at the cashier gave me a towel (the kind work men wear under their hats... and other people too, but that's another story) and a bunch of flowers! It was their first day open. I couldn't stop smiling when I rode back home.


Jo said...

awwwww. sweet :D

now, listen: just because you HAVE a towel, does not mean you should even consider wearing it out in public. Got that?

Liisa said...

I haven't even tried it on... yet.

Odds are that it'll be used as an ordinary towel: for drying. Or should I wear it tonight at Roppongi? I am so tempted.

Jo said...