Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Mama's Feeling Guilty

I wonder if there are any 2 year olds that are always like sunshine itself and who's parents never loose their temper with them? It's amazing how something so gorgeous can be so tiring at the same time. I feel really bad every time I have found myself shouting at the kid and every now and then I find myself doing exactly that. I wish he'll be sane when he's grown up inspite of my lack of patience.

Oh, by the way, he has a tiger.


Anonymous said...

I understand exactly what you mean. And if it's any consolation, I'll tell you that I am still driven to yell at my boys from time to time, and they are way past 2-years-old. Hang in there. Your boy is and will be great.

Liisa said...

Oh thank you Erin for saying what you said. I needed to hear another parent telling me that I am not the only one yelling at her kid/s. I guess you have to get a lobotomy first to be able to act with your kids and never yelling at them. Muteness would be another option.

Timorous Beastie said...

I'm afraid I can't offer similarly reassuring words as I have not unleashed myself upon an unsuspecting next generation. But if I did, you can be sure I'd be screaming and yelling like a banshee. The fact that you doubt yourself is, in itself, suggestive that you are doing a good job.