Sunday, September 11, 2005

Spammers - Stay Away From My Blog

I have turned on the word verification on comments. I got some spam on my Finnish blog and I wanted to make sure I won't get any on this Finglish one (I still can't say I write in English).

Spammers really really piss me off. I wonder who they are. I'd like to see a person who is an actual spammer and I'd like to hear his/her side to the story. Are they only desperate people trying to make some fast money or some serious minded family men who try to make their living.

All the same, spamming works as well on me as a turd with an ad on it left on my porch.


Anonymous said...

Huuum. What about random little Indian girls who read your blog and love to hear about your (and your pals) adventures and post comments??

Is that spam?? I hope not.
I'd like to think I'm better than turd!

Liisa said...

No - a random little Indian girl can never be a spammer, unless she starts to add odd links to her comments: www.easymoneywhileyousitonyourlazya* or www.mammothbr* or even www.eternalo* You name it.

And here and now I announce you to be better than a turd.