Thursday, April 13, 2006

I Hope This Is Just A Bad Day

God knows what would help me quicker, a beer, a vacation or a shrink. I am utterly tired of my present post. I am not a natural born mother or a housewife. I wonder if anyone is, unless they are natural born filthy rich housewives.

I dislike housekeeping. It's an endless marshland. There's no end to washing dishes, picking up stuff off the floor, doing the laundry and cooking. I used to love cooking, but now that I do it twice a day, daily, it isn't fun at all.

Maybe I am just having a bad day, or maybe this is as good as it gets. God, I am starting to sound like the miserable teenage me. Not that I was a housewife already back then.

Do I have anything positive to report? Do I? I'll tell you when I come up with something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This too shall pass!