Wednesday, April 26, 2006


I am reading a wonderful book from Marianne Fredriksson (Den Som Vandrar om Natten). It's great to be positively surprised by a book, you didn't expect to give you anything, but 'something to read'. I am not going into details of the story - everyone should read all the books anyway.

I hadn't heard about the author before I got this book by chance into my hands. She seems to be very popular in Sweden and her books have been translated to other languages too. And, last not but not least, she is from Göteborg (Gothenburg), my Swedish hometown. She must be a good person.

The kid is giving circus performances on my lap while I am trying to write - so I give up.


Anonymous said...

I read Hanna's Daughters (in English) and liked it. I should get the one you're reading (in Swedish, to try to improve myself, but I'll likely get it in English because I'm just sooo lazy these days). Thanks for recommending it.

Liisa said...

I have to keep my eyes open for another books from her.