Sunday, July 01, 2007

On the Road

Today we went to a forest next my my mother-in-law's house and let the kid pick up blueberries. When we lived in Tokyo we picked up our blueberries in a shop's freezer, here in Finland we can pick them up anywhere we find them, as long as the spot isn't on anybody's back, or front, yard. It's lovely.

M started his 2 week's holiday on tuesday. On wednesday my parents came home from Zambia, where they spent six weeks working as volunteers. We prepared them a Finnish summer meal (fish and potatoes) and they seemed to be very happy about it.

We borrowed my parents car (an old loud Saab from 1970's) and drove to stay with my mother-in-law. I had never been to her house in summertime, so I hadn't seen her lovely garden before. Unfortunately it rained most of the time, so we didn't have a chance to spend time doing things one shoud do in lovely gardens, like reading good books by blooming peonies.

On saturday we drove to our friends garden party in Hämeenlinna. They had invited people from a gang that existed about 20 years ago. I saw many faces I hadn't seen since then. Someone asked me afterwards, who I thought was most touched by the time between, concidering the looks, and I had to say; it's the face I see in the mirror. People looked good.

Tomorrow we hit the road again and head for the northern Finland.


The Pixy Princess said...

Oh to live in a place where berries can be randomly picked by the side of the road!

Liisa said...

It is nice indeed!