Monday, May 15, 2006

One of those days...

Me and Vimme started our brand new week in a good mood, went out and sun was shining.

After a while we ended up to a situation where the kid is screaming his lungs out and wanting it all & now, while I am refusing to give him anything, because giving in to someone who is screaming at me isn't in my nature. Then we are both unhappy. Then the kid falls asleep and I go on feeling unhappy and guilty because I wasn't able to handle the situation in a more mature way.

A friend of mine told me that it'll get easier once the kid is three and half years old. That'll be next autumn. I hope I won't cause too much permanent damage to kids developing personality before that by being a baaaaaad mother.

And to other matters: I did buy that silvery 'Hello Kitty'-wallet after all, though it's not really my style. I blame Tokyo. If you spend enough time here, you start openly liking things you wouldn't have dared to admit liking when you lived your life in Europe.


Timorous Beastie said...

I`m sure your approach to Vimme`s crisis was more mature than mine would have been. I would have ended up screaming too.

I have a little silver purse that that one too, but without Hello Kitty. Actually mine getting a bit dog-eared now.

Liisa said...

Thank you for your friendly words t.beastie.

Fake-silver objects rock.

Jo said...

oo a fake silver kitty-chan purse. that is sooooo kawaiiiiii!