Monday, September 04, 2006

Dinner at Tim's Place

Me and my Finnish friend went to Tim's place last night for a dinner ( Jo was there too and another friend of ours, plus - of course - Tim's Beast). It was a fun night and the day after (today that is) wasn't hang-over-wise as bad as I expected it to be. I was just very tired.

Tim prepared a lovely dinner: smooth veggie soup, salad, fried mushrooms and tasty crepes. We ate a lot and drank even more ( I had Pimms for the first time in my life). At that state of my drunkeness, where I usually start telling stupid, endless anecdotes and bad jokes to anybody who cares to listen, we went to karaoke. So this time, instead of making fool of myself by telling bad jokes and such, I did that by bellowing my lungs out in a karaoke booth. But boy it was fun!


Anonymous said...

Additionally, you showed us your good singer & dancer ability. It was fun night!

Liisa said...

It was a fun night indeed. We should have more of those!