Monday, November 13, 2006

Finnish Cashiers Give Me Evil Looks

In Finland you have to weigh your vegetables and fruits yourself at food stores. The self service scale is placed next to products and not hard to see or find at all. Still I manage to forget to weigh most of times and get scary looks from the person at a cashier.

I find it hard to understand why finns don't use the same system they have in Sweden: the cashier weighs your fruits. Finland must be the only place on this planet where they trust customer to place the price on the product. People try to cheat. A friend who worked as cashier said that it happened all the time. You could tell the price was too low for that number of fruits or the customer had "accidentally" pushed a wrong, cheaper product's button.

One country where this self pricing would work is Japan: people are very honest there. But shops wouldn't allow customers to do service job them selves. Someone's job is to put (rediculously expensive) prices on fruits.

Customer service is suberb in Japan. I really, really, really miss that among these northern zombies who don't even try to hide the fact they hate their jobs and their customers.


The Pixy Princess said...

Funny that you mention it, but every year at the start of the university term, the International Dept (where I used to work) gives an orientation to I'nat students and one of the many many topics they cover - grocery shopping!
Its always fun to hear how this process differs from country to country.

Liisa said...

It's amazing how much it actually differs. You never think of it before you experience it.