Wednesday, August 01, 2007

So, I'm 40

I got waken up before seven this morning and my little family gave me a present: a new laptop! I didn't expect that and I am extreamly happy to have my own personal computer again (it's a PC; me and Mac don't function well together). So, today I am 40. Where am I now?

- I am still a student (which I secretly think is luxury).

- I have a kid who is only 4 years old, which means his worst puberty and my state of menopause will be here at the same time. Oh, those bright future days!

- I am seriously concidering taking a part time job as a cleaner after swearing I will never take a shit job again - but hey, who would make a better cleaner than a conservator (student)?

- I don't have any property. Well, I do have a computer. I guess I lied then.

- I have been married to my computer provider for almost 20 years now - not a bad deal at all.

Am I middle aged? I am not young anymore, but I don't feel old either. Definitions are therefore officially unnecessary.


Timorous Beastie said...

Hey, happy birthday!

Liisa said...

Thanks Tim. The party is on saturday - welcome!

Anonymous said...

Happy, happy, birthday! Have a great year!

Boo said...

Happy belated Birthday! Enjoy the party on saturday and be merry!

The Pixy Princess said...

Hope you had a stupendous birthday! Hugs from across the ocean.....

Liisa said...

Erin, Boo & Nix: thank you!