Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Snow, snow, snow & an unpaid commercial

In Japan people are admiring cherry blossoms and here in Finland all we see is snow.

I am reading articles and sorting them out to those I can refer to on my thesis and those I can bring back to the high pile of paper I have on a corner table in another room.

We have two rooms and a kitchen. And that was just for the record. I don't want anybody to picture that we have rooms after rooms. Or why not. We are living in a mansion with 25 bedrooms and 17 servants. And a butler. Or was a boxer? Oh no, it wasn't a boxer, it was a half Irish Setter (other half unknown). Our crazy late dog, whose ashes are somewhere in Finland, next to a tall pine.

I better start reading and writing the thesis.


That was not all I wanted to say, so here I go on writing.

Because of this lovely shirt I've got as a present from a friend, I have a nickname "Motherfucker" in certain circles. I find it quite amusing. Mentalwear have a fantastic selection of crazy t-shirts. You can easily order them anywhere on this planet. Who wouldn't like to wear a motherfucker t-shirt? I am wearing mine right at this moment.

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