Saturday, February 26, 2005


Today I shopped. I went to Ueno to a huge toy store, Yamashiroya. I spent there a long time just looking around and I found some pretty strange objects.

Like these weapons.


And this action figure.


And these Bitsu Bodies.

Bitsu Bodies.

Ok, this Alien was actually quite cute.


I didn't buy any of these items.
I found some very nice, politically correct toddler toys to Vimme. Yes, Yamashiroya sold those too.


Anonymous said...

I am shocked!


Liisa said...

I know. It was a bit weird, though the strangest stuff wasn't for small children to see or to reach.

Anonymous said...

omg! they are adult toys?
Christine x

Liisa said...

I h o p e they are adult toys. Otherwise I would concider immediately moving back to Northern Europe.