Sunday, July 23, 2006

Geriatric Sandals

I used to think only geriatrics wear Ecco sandals. Now I own a pair of that sort. And it is actually a second pair of Eccos I have. Previous pair is dying. Pieces of their soles are grumbling all over Tokyo. They lived a full life for four years and served me well. I expect the new pair to serve me as long as the old did.

Anyway, if you (female) have been blessed with big feet and live in this city of midget feet (Tokyo), here's some good news: Ecco's Store in Ebisu sells women's shoes up to size 40.

1 comment:

Timorous Beastie said...

Ecco shoes are very comfortable. Last time I wore a pair, somebody said "What`s with the orthopedic shoes?"