Thursday, July 14, 2005

Cockroach Spotting


Today I spotted my first Japanese cockroach - outdoors. I wish I won't meet any of them creatures in our flat. Ever.


Anonymous said...

Oh! those sort of creatures are very considerate, they mainly come out at night, when you are asleep and if disturbed, skuttle away.
I hope this has eased your concern lol
Christine x

Liisa said...

Well, if I never ever saw them, though they are there, I guess their existence wouldn't bother me.

Jo said...

I've seen 2.5 so far. And, oh my god, can they move fast. I'm also dreading seeing a large one in my apartment. In fact one of my biggest fears, as I sleep so close to the floor (joy of futon) is that I wake up with one on my face. EUUUUWWW!

Oh, and the half? I had a small one in my apartment a month or so ago. I suddenly felt it ON MY LEG. I jumped, ran and got a sports shoe and whacked it on the head. It carried on moving, so I got the vacuum cleaner. For all I know it could still be alive inside the hoover bag now. [shudder].

Anonymous said...

there is probablhy a whole family in your hoover now Jo. lol Those creatures are damn hard to kill futon or not lol

christine x

Liisa said...

Ok, now I'm glad we have a bed and not a futon.

Jo said...

Christine - thanks a lot!