Monday, July 25, 2005


Typhoon is coming closer to Tokyo. I haven't experienced that weather phenomenon before. I am curious to see how it is. Hopefully not too strong.

My own personal home typhoon has his tantrums daily now a days and I must say it takes a lot of energy to stay calm and adult when he is in that state. I could easily sell my soul for a week under a palm tree, drinking cool alcohol drinks and watching the horizon.


Jo said...

what's a typhoon like? wet and windy.

still, look on the bright side of things - the rainy season is over!

Liisa said...

Thank god it isn't a rainy season! Who would want rain? ;-)

Timorous Beastie said...

I tip my hat to you for staying calm in the face of two-year old typhoon-boys. I could never do it.

PS Can I join you under the plam tree? No kids allowed.

Liisa said...

I never knew I could do this. I was sure I couldn't. But when the kid is the way he is, I just find a functional mode to be in and wait for the calmer times to arrive.

...and keep on dreaming of an unsober week under a palm tree.

I sort of begin to see myself lying under a yucca palm in a pot, puking on my own carpet after drinking too much too fast... I have to be careful what I wish for.