Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Rice on the Side Walk

A Rice Field.

Another thing I like here in Tokyo: people put flower pots on side walks front of their houses and no one touches those plants, except those who take care of them. Both in Finland and in Sweden those pots wouldn't survive a weekend. Someone would break the pots and throw plants all over the place.


Timorous Beastie said...

So it's not just the UK then.

It's the same with those shops with all the books/CDs/clothes stacked outside, not chained down and no one watching over them. In Britain, everything would be either nicked or destroyed (or possibly both) within minutes.

Liisa said...

I like it. I like the fact I can leave a huge bag of shoppings waiting on my bicycle, while I shop in another shop.

Makes me wonder how badly Japanese get scammed when they travel in Europe.