Tuesday, December 12, 2006


Potatoes are important part of a Finnish meal. They are usually served with a sauce. The sauce often brown and has meat in it. And that's about it.

Of course I am not telling the whole truth here. Now a days pizzas and pastas are often seen on dinner tables instead of the traditional potatoe+meat-surprise. But still, Finns eat loads and loads of potatoes.

(If someone wants to know what Finns really eat and how to cook that, you can check it out here.)

My kids doesn't like potatoes. My kids doesn't like food in general. He agrees to eat pasta with ketchup or pesto, oat meal, rice with soy souce, fish fingers, tomatoes, nori seaweed, soba or udon noodles, sushi and french fries. Who knows, he might eat meat too, but we haven't given him any, because we don't buy or prepare it to ourselves. If he could choose his meals himself, he would live on ice cream.

I used to love cooking. Since I started house-wifing I have lost my inspiration to cook. I hope it comes back someday.

And here's what I wanted to share: tomorrow my lovely neighbour from Japan will arrive here to delight our dark days for two weeks. I am looking forward to see her and her little daughter again.

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